Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Why a Rabbit?

If you are planning to bring a rabbit into your home it is important to know that without boundaries and good human smarts, they are destructive creatures.

Rabbits love to chew, and don’t distinguish between the cute little chew toy you bought for them and your wooden furniture. Power cords for many buns are a delicacy! (which is not only annoying, but hazardous), and they enjoy carpeting, clothes, shoes, paper… anything their bunny teeth can wrap around. Then, of course, there’s the digging most rabbits like to do. All can add up to a human’s ruined home.

Yes for me these traits are joyful—the buns keep me balanced, reminding me what is important in this incarnation and I’m fortunate that my rabbits have not been that destructive. Polka ate the vacuum hose, but hey it was not plugged in and now we keep them out of her way. Both Polka and Clover have liked to dig (as has a 40 year history of bloodhounds) so we’ve come up with strategies that neither dog nor bunny can totally destroy the home—and at this time the dog slobber trumps bunny nibbles.

So another joy is knowing my extra effort at vigilance has provided a safe haven for bunny and hound.

Here's another adoption link: HugABunny Rabbit Rescue

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